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Shri Jayadayal Goyandka

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Jayadayal Goindka was born in Churu, Rajasthan on Jyeshtha Krishna 6, Samvat 1942 (1885) in the family of Shri Khabhachandra Agarwal. Gita and Ramcharitmanas influenced him in his childhood.
After deep study of the Gita and other religious texts, he resolved to devote his life to preaching.


He was so effective in discourse on the Gita that thousands of listeners used to take advantage of the satsang. During the "Gita-Prachar" campaign, he saw that it is difficult to get a pure copy of Gita. He established the Gita Press in Gorakhpur in 1923 with the aim of publishing the Gita in pure language.

He died on 17 April 1965 on the banks of the Ganges in Rishikesh.

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